CATalyst Council releases 2024 CATalyst Report


Report Provides Critical Insights on Feline Health for Animal Health Professionals


Jane Brunt, DVM
Phone:  410-627-7921

The CATalyst Council, a non-profit organization committed to enhancing the lifelong health and welfare of companion cats, has released the CATalyst Report – State of the Cat: Wellness and Nutrition 2024. This new and first-of-its-kind data set provides unique and relevant information on feline wellness and nutrition that provides invaluable insights for animal health professionals across all sectors. The report is based on surveys conducted with more than 400 veterinarians and 1,900 pet cat owners across the United States.

Critical take-aways include:

  • 35% of cat owners previously had very little or no experience owning a cat;
  • >70% of cats visited a veterinarian within the first year of ownership; thereafter >33% did not visit the veterinarian in 3 or more years; and
  • Cat owners reported that their veterinarian provided instructions on how to make transport less stressful only 30% of the time; veterinarians said they did 65% of the time.


Critical topics that the Report provides include:

  • cat owner sentiment toward their veterinarian;
  • characteristics between dog and cat owner clients;
  • the top three unmet needs in medical care for cats;
  • new products that would be helpful in improving ability to provide cat patient care;
  • nutritional recommendations for cat patients;
  • and the top three issues veterinarians report as facing the profession.


“The CATalyst Council worked with industry experts over the course of a year to gather robust data and develop key insights that can be immediately applied to strategic business decisions,” said Gina Fortunato, CATalyst Council President. “The result is the most comprehensive report on feline health in our industry and I am positive it will benefit animal health companies, shelter and adoption organizations, and the veterinary community broadly while helping to increase needed care to companion cats across the country.”

The report is offered in two formats, both of which provide critical insights to support animal health companies and veterinary teams in strategic planning, forecasting, and care/product delivery. The “Management Insights Report” includes an in-depth analysis and high-level summary of extensive findings from pet owner and veterinarian surveys and provides information useful in guiding management and investment decisions in the feline wellness sector. The more robust “Analyst Report” additionally provides in-depth survey data and analysis of three years of PIMS-sourced metrics from 1,250 practices delivering care to over 1.5 million feline patients. For those purchasing the Analyst Report prior to August 31, 2024, a personalized presentation of the results will be provided.

“Our goal is to ensure companion cats receive a lifetime of care,” said Jane Brunt, CATalyst Council Executive Director. “With this critical report on the latest trends in feline health, those who deliver feline care, products and services will be expertly equipped to do so.”

Both reports are available to all, with price discounts available for CATalyst Council sponsors. To learn more or to purchase the report, visit:

About CATalyst Council

By accelerating innovation in feline care, the CATalyst Council works to enhance the quality of life for cats and their people. Started in 2008, the CATalyst Council brings together cross-sector experts from academia, veterinary practice, pet industry, animal welfare organizations and adoption agencies, manufacturing, pet insurance and other industry stakeholders, with the goal of enhancing communication and interdisciplinary collaboration on the health and welfare of Cats. For close to two decades, the organization has brought together knowledge, data and resources and has collaborated on multiple programs and communications that have helped further the vision that companion cats receive a lifetime of care.


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