The CATalyst Council enables the lifelong health and welfare of companion cats. Founded in 2008, we bring together data, knowledge and resources from shelter and adoption organizations, the veterinary community, and industry stakeholders to collaborate on programs and communication to further our vision that companion cats receive a lifetime of care.
Shelters and veterinarians work as partners to educate adopting families on positive cat care practices.
Pet owners are connected to and understand the importance of regular veterinary care for their cats.
Veterinarians provide a positive experience for cats and cat owners and believe that caring for cats is an essential part of a profitable, sustainable practice.
Shelters and veterinarians work as partners to educate adopting families on positive cat care practices.
Pet owners are connected to and understand the importance of regular veterinary care for their cats.
U.S. Households Own a Cat*
Adoptions are Cats**
Are Owned as Pets in the US***
Did NOT Visit a Vet in 2016 (Compared to 17% of Dogs)***
CATalyst Council releases 2024 CATalyst Report
Report Provides Critical Insights on Feline Health for Animal Health Professionals
This new and first-of-its-kind data set provides unique and relevant information on feline wellness and nutrition that provides invaluable insights for animal health professionals across all sectors.